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Aug 19, 202411 min read
Big Data – Smart City?
Im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung scheinen Daten allgegenwärtig und endlos zu sein. Daten gab es zwar schon immer und Datenanalyse ist ...

Apr 23, 20243 min read
On Forecasts and Scenarios
In mid-August, about exactly 10 weeks ago, the wave of return travel was in full swing. Weekly testing numbers had almost tripled...

Apr 23, 20242 min read
Data Literacy as future-key
"Strong society, strong economy, strong self" refers to a comprehensive approach to resilience and empowerment at individual, economic,...

Apr 23, 20245 min read
What is needed for a evidence-based vaccination strategy?
Next week, COVID-19 vaccinations are set to begin in the UK after the BioNTech vaccine was approved there. EU approval is also not far...

Apr 23, 20245 min read
Statistik und Wahrheit
‘Only with scientific evaluations that are independent and based on a very broad foundation can the necessary decision-making aids be...

Apr 23, 20248 min read
Why the positive rate says as much (or as little) as the incidence rate
‘Coronavirus case numbers are meaningless. Unless you know something about testing. And even then, it gets complicated.’ So wrote Nate...

Feb 15, 20246 min read
Between Buzzwords and Future Skills: Data Literacy @Destatis
Data and information are essential components of an open society. In order for everyone to participate, it is necessary to promote data...
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