As a Munich-based consultancy for data science and data strategies, STAT-UP develops a curriculum and didactic concept for knowledge transfer through an interactive learning application.
On February 22, 2021, Chancellor Angela Merkel introduced the Digital Education Initiative. At the live broadcasted kickoff event with prominent guests, Katharina Schüller, founder and CEO of the Munich-based consulting firm STAT-UP, discussed with the Chancellor and the Federal Minister of Education, Anja Karliczek, along with other experts, the importance of data competencies. Following this, patron Angela Merkel introduced the new learning app "Stadt I Land I DatenFluss" from the German Adult Education Association (DVV) and the AI Campus of the Stifterverband. The app playfully shows where Artificial Intelligence (AI), Big Data, and the Internet of Things (IoT) are already being used in a variety of everyday situations and what role data plays in them, thus making data competency accessible and understandable for laypersons.
Katharina Schüller: "Every day, we are confronted with new terms from the data context such as AI, Machine Learning, Big Data, or IoT. But what do these terms really mean? At the same time, many companies want to introduce data strategies, establish data-driven processes, and use so-called KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) for automated corporate control. What are the benefits and what impact does this have on all parties involved?"
This is precisely what the app, to which STAT-UP has significantly contributed, aims to convey. The app provides individual, societal, and global perspectives. It explains terms, applications, and technologies through practical examples from the fields of health, mobility, and work. Each topic is divided into 4 lessons, as well as additional learning and practice units. The first two lessons are intended for beginners, and lessons 3-4 for deepening knowledge. Additionally, the app features a "Knowledge Base" with fundamental information on the topic and a glossary where key terms are explained.
The learning objectives for users of the app include understanding data-supported action, correctly categorizing data and information, strategically using data for decision-making, and protecting sensitive data as effectively as possible.
Katharina Schüller: "We want to create awareness among all people, especially among employees and decision-makers in companies, about why it is important to act based on data. What data is available in a company and what applications and limitations are there? For instance, it is important to clarify what AI can and cannot do. Is, for example, a neural network an appropriate approach for a specific question, or would another approach be better, more efficient, and cost-effective?"
The app is a comprehensible learning tool for everyone who wants to understand and make data-driven decisions. Interactive learning elements, examples, anecdotes, and gamification approaches are skillfully interwoven within it.

Links: App-Download „Stadt | Land | DatenFluss“: Digitale Bildungsoffensive (BMBF): Data Literacy Charta: