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Katharina Schüller, nombrada "Estadístico de la Semana" por la ASA

Actualizado: 28 feb

La fundadora y CEO de STAT-UP es nombrada "Estadístico de la Semana" dentro de la campaña "2013 Año Internacional de la Estadística" por la Asociación Americana de Estadística, a propuesta de Ansgar Seyfferth

Katharina Schüller, Founder STAT-UP Statistical Consulting

At Work With Statisticians - By Ansgar Seyfferth

My colleague, Katharina Schüller, founded STAT-UP Statistical Consulting in 2003, when she was still studying statistics at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany. She was awarded a scholarship to the Bavarian Elite Akademie in 2004 as one of Bavaria’s 30 best students, graduated in 2005, and received a participation award for the 2nd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting in 2006.

Now a mother of four children, she has established STAT-UP as an international company with more than a dozen statisticians in Germany, Spain and the United Kingdom. The company helps customers in all kind of business and research fields and contributes to the promotion of statistics and to the R-Project.

Katharina loves passionately to solve complex problems, to search for the most relevant information in data, and to present the findings in a transparent and clear manner. Also an important ongoing effort for her is to teach statistics to students, journalists and the public. In many cases she does so voluntarily, driven by her desire to overcome popular prejudices against statistics, like “lies, damn lies and statistics”.

She is the author of several articles and books about applied statistics and related fields, like Reflect and Check. Statistics for Journalists (to be released in 2014), What Journalists can learn from Statisticians, Is it all lies? Statistics and the Media, and Catching the Spirit of Basel III (with Stefan Mittnik). She is co-author of the R-package rriskDistributions with the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, Germany.

Her weekly radio show can be heard on the nationwide German station, DRadio Wissen. Since its launch in 2009, this program has been cited frequently by other media and bloggers, who refer to Katharina as a “must-listen” person who makes statistics understandable for everyone. She was named “a lioness. That’s how studies should be sliced and diced. Scientifically proper, journalistically exemplary,” said Dr. Hans-Peter Biege, deputy mayor in charge of culture, Biberach, Germany, and “should be part of each single newscast, like the weather forecast,” said Meik Michalke, psychologist at the University of Düsseldorf, Germany and blogger at

Katharina is a successful entrepreneur who practices statistics with substantial expertise, pas-sion and a true sense of humor. To me, she is the German voice of statistics and I recommend her strongly as the Statistics2013 Statistician of the Week.

Seyfferth is STAT-UP Statistical Consulting’s Director for Spain and Portugal


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